Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thing 26 - Buy a pair of Stiletto Heels and Wear Them

So - I am ashamed to say that I let a very important aspect of femininity escape my grasp over the last 7 or 8 years. Wearing heels. Considering I am about 5"2, this is slightly strange to most people. I tend to fall or trip a lot though, and clumsy is my middle name, so wearing heels just seemed to be asking for trouble!
I'm not even sure why I picked this Thing, because I didn't really have a burning desire to wear heels when I started my list. Over the summer though, I got a lot of hassle about my lack of heeled shoes from Laura. And I may have started to realize just how well a good pair of shoes can make your outfit. I also might have become a little jealous about all the shoes that everyone else was wearing as I wandered around in my little flip-flops. So, last month I went shopping with my Aunt T, and invested in some fabulous heels. I'm proud to say that I now own 6 pairs of heeled shoes, and have even worn heels to work 4 of the last 5 work days! Without falling!!
Only one of the pairs of heels are stilettos. They are absolutely fabulous, and I fell in love with them when I saw them!
I haven't worn the stilettos yet, but I am going to be working them in over the next few months, and plan to ring in my 30th bday wearing them.
Check these babies out:


  1. Jesus! 6 pairs of heels! Aunt T is a bad influence!

  2. They are beautiful. They should be your muse!

  3. I keep coming back here to look at your little red shoes. They're really sweet. Yowsa.
