Saturday, May 14, 2011

Challenge Interrupted

Well, it's been about a month since I started this challenge, and I have to say that I am feeling pretty good about my progress. Unfortunately, I didn't get much farther on my list this week. Actually I don't think I did much this week except try to get my "diet" back on track and keep trying to walk regularly. I walked Monday & Wednesday nights, and was back on high protein/low carbs by Thursday. Hopefully my mood continues to improve, it's definitely better than Tuesday!
I've been itching to get on a scale, but thankfully haven't yet. None of my clothes feel like they are fitting any differently, and I think that getting on a scale will reflect that still. Because of that, my desire to not be disappointed is so far winning out over finding a scale. The fact that I haven't been anywhere with a scale recently really helps as well. Pseudo-self-control - good enough!
Other than that, I don't have much to report. I had hoped to accomplish either Thing 28, Thing 55 or Thing 59 this week, but it didn't happen as the beginning of my week was completely a wash. Maybe I'll try again this coming week, we'll see how it goes! I guess there isn't really a "rush" for the things that are easy, I do have 972 days left... Time enough to accomplish my things when it feels right, and not because I have to finish them. The minute this list feels like a chore, I know I will brush it to the side, and I really don't want that to happen!
One thing I love about this list is that it has allowed me to really put a focus on what I want, and what I need - putting the focus on only worrying about myself. I'm afraid that at some point this list could become a selfish endeavour, but I'm hoping I will be able to keep it as an empowering one.
I don't want to become a broken record about healing from the last few years, but I will say this. At some point during my adult years, some told me that it takes about half the time you were in a relationship to recover from its ending. Well, I was in a relationship for just under 3 1/2 years, and it's been just over a year and a half since it ended. Maybe that is also a factor in my mood upswings?
Remember when I said I was going to maybe post about online dating? It's actually amazing how often the topic comes up in conversations now. Are people subconsciously trying to tell me something?
My need to write a blog post about the topic has been unnecessary though, as someone I follow on Twitter succinctly covered my thoughts in less than 140 characters: "It's so cute how with internet dating you don't know if you are going to get murdered or married" - Thanks @sofifii for your words of wisdom - I may put this on a t-shirt!
That's all for today. This needs to be a weekend about doing, not reflecting!

Until next time...

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