Monday, May 02, 2011

Personal Post - I Love my Apartment!

This post isn't really a direct response to my 101 Things list, I just feel like I have a few thing I'd like to write about, and since I would hope the people reading this would be interested in what I have to say, then what better a place to do so? If you are here reading, and you're not interested, well - life is too short - find a blog you'd like to read!

I think mostly I just want to talk about what I ate today. For real.
I was amazing today - I might be turning into a machine*.
Breakfast was a Green smoothie - kale, banana, frozen blueberries, coconut water, protein powder - Yum!
Lunch was Scrambled eggs with sauteed broccoli, fennel, red pepper & red onion
Dinner was Baked haddock with salt & pepper, and sauteed baby vegetables with bacon - weird but good!
Eggs are my new favourite thing. Why did I not eat them very often before - they are so fast to cook!

OK, I won't just talk about what I ate, even though, really, it was amazing...
Yesterday I walked 4km with the Little family & it felt really nice to get out and exercise. I actually woke up and debated doing it again today on my own, but the rain was enough to keep me inside!
I haven't followed through on the gym plan yet, but hopefully I will get over there this week a few times. I've even been discussing running with a friend. I'm not sure how that will turn out, but I really think that if I started running it would be a HUGE confidence boost. I have serious anxiety about running - I really think that I look ridiculous when I do it. Sadly, it's partly why I have avoided sports for most of my life. If I was able to work it into my exercise plan I think that would be amazing! I'll keep you posted on how it goes :)

I can't believe how much clearer my head feels now that everything has been unpacked & organized in my apartment. It's an amazing feeling - I'm in love with my apartment!
This is my new favourite place:

I've had breakfast here the past two days. I hope I can turn that into a daily thing, or at least a weekend thing. It's so calming to sit by the window & just chill out. Unfortunately, my neighbours spend a lot of time in their driveway, so hopefully they don't think I'm staring at them!
I also lightened up my living room a bit with a new curtain. It's not perfect, but the white & beaded ribbon looks so much better than the black curtain I had up before:

Did I mention that I vacuumed my stairs & the corners of my ceiling? 
Or that I spent half an hour yesterday just sitting and daydreaming in my window seat?
I'm seriously in love with my apartment.

I hope you enjoyed, I just wanted somewhere to share my accomplishments & ideas from the day. On a completely different note, I've been debating writing a post on the pros & cons of online dating. I haven't fully signed up for any website, but I've considered it a bit. I do a fair bit of hemming & hawing about it as I go about my day. Emotionally, I feel much stronger than I have over the past couple years. Not having to worry about the house anymore helps a lot, and I finally deleted the hundreds of text messages that I kept this long for some reason. That actually felt extremely cathartic. This weekend was the first time in a long time that I actually felt like it would be nice to meet somebody. In a healthy way anyways - I think it's important that you don't feel like that out of fear. There have been many a night where I've felt like I needed somebody because I didn't want to be alone. This weekend I felt like it would have been nice to have had someone important to share my accomplishments with. I think that is an important distinction to make.
Anyways, we'll see if I decide to explore the online dating world a little farther in a future post. I'm not rushing to do so, but it would be nice to present my thoughts & hear what you all have to say as well. I'm currently leaning towards the negative side, as some of you know, but I'm also afraid to cut out what might be a really great idea (even though I can't see it at the moment). Hmmm....

Thanks for reading :)

*My roommate, Kate, from 1st-year at Mac, always referred to herself as a machine when she did well on exercise or diet. I've found myself using the term over the weekend & am feeling a little nostalgic - Must catch up with Kate!!

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